GRANNY'S GONE GEEK: You've seen the complex and beautiful inside of a computer, but can you sew it? The Museum of Craft and Folk Art's latest exhibit, Open Source Embroidery, blends the DIY nature of sewing, quilting, hacking, and sound sampling. The display opens tomorrow at 6 p.m.
SPRAY IT, DON'T SAY IT: The Graffiti Art Show has been celebrating the spray can since Sept. 11 and tonight you can catch the grand exhibition, Don't Sweat the Technique - The Can Film Festival, tonight at 7 p.m. at the 1:AM Gallery. If you fail to see the legitimacy of this art, try spray-painting a bowl of fruit and tell me how it goes.
GET YOUR FIST AFRO-PICK READY: While Muhammad Ali and George Foreman were rumbling in the Zaire jungle, the music festival documented in Soul Power was in full force with legends including Celia Cruz, B.B. King, and Miriam Makeba. View these performances and more at the Red Vic Movie House at 7:15 p.m. or 9:15 p.m.