Bob Dylan may not be able to sell out a show in San Francisco but he knows exactly where to go to drown his sorrows.
The legendary singer tried to sell out a show the old fashion way in the City last week and the cash-only experiment didn't quite work as planned.
A weekend later and the tambourine man himself was still in town and walking into a bar where Mayor Gavin Newsom was having a drink with former Mayor Willie Brown.
"I was having a sit-down with Mayor Gavin Newsom in the bar of the St. Regis the other night, and who should walk in but Bob Dylan," Brown wrote in his regular column for the San Francisco Chronicle. "He was with a guy wearing a baseball cap that had a red border and what looked like prison stripes. It was really something."
Being the social guy that he is, Da Mayor went and said hello to one of Dylan's friend and and commented on his other friend's hat. The lyrical genius didn't have a word to offer Brown.