The little sandwich that could may be forced to close its doors.
Upset neighbors have finally gotten their way with Ike's Place, the popular San Francisco sandwich shop that draws lines by the hundreds.
The shop's owner Ike Shehadeh told The New York Times that he has been served with an eviction notice. It seems neighbors constant complaints about crowd noise, litter and even intoxicating smells from the shop's kitchen (some people would pay good money to wake up to that smell) have finally been heard.
Shehadeh plans to appear in court next week to fight the notice. He says the cost of the legal battle could keep him from quickly opening in a new location if he is forced to shut down.
Neighborhood complaint's about Ike's is nothing new. Earlier this year Shehadeh agreed to close his shop earlier to ease congestion on the neighborhood. But reportedly four neighbors were not appeased and threatened to sue the building's owner if something was not done.