Amazon's strong week continues with Cloud Drive -- a music service that allows users to upload and play their tunes anywhere they like, including on the web or their mobile device.
Apple's cloud play is rumored to be at their WWDC conference, where the iOS is thought to be upgraded dramatically, to include a similar service.
But that's months away.
And only yesterday Amazon turned on their free trial service in their Android application store, a feature that neither Google nor Apple offers.
It's a cloud-based, customer-service combination punch from Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos. (Maybe he was cheesed after being left off that whole "dinner with the president" invitation list?)
Like all good (music) addictions, the first 5 gigs of space are free. Upping storage to 20GB runs $20/year and 50GB runs $50/year and on up to 1000GB for $1000/year. (What? No volume-based discount??)
The free trial of Android applications is more of an incremental gain, but Cloud Drive is a lightning strike: "Your own online, secure, personal cloud storage space."
Users can stream their Amazon mp3 purchases on any device, including their Android mobile device. Of course, that doesn't mean iTunes purchases will play; hence, the grab for market share.
Beyond just mp3s, users can store all digital files -- photos, documents and videos -- and access whenever and wherever you like. It's like Google Docs, except for all your fun stuff, too.
Click here for the introductory video from Amazon.