Guggenheim and Not Metreon For Daily Unveiling

Apple is famous for glitzing up product releases. CEO Steve Jobs is infamous for his efforts in this arena. And Apple's next big thing might just top the normal hype thanks to its partner in the deal: none other than Rupert Murdoch.

Thursday came word (and invitations) from News Corp. to the release of the world's first iPad-only newspaper "The Daily."

Murdoch himself will unveil his latest journalistic effort next Wednesday at the Guggenheim Museum in New York.

The date and 5th Avenue locale are both new.  It was originally scheduled on Jan. 19 in San Francisco.  The center of the tech world seemed to make perfect since for such an event, but it looks like the Bay Area lost its spot thanks to Jobs' illness and an unexpected kink in the subscription plan.  

Writers have been working on The Daily for months out of bureaus in New York and L.A.  The on line only publication is supposed to cover news, culture and entertainment and will include video. (but not flash of course).

It looks like we will have to wait until next week to see how much it will cost for the app. Rumors have it around a dollar a week.   

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