Smartphones make up only 43 percent of the mobile market, but the majority of all U.S. adults aged 18 to 44 who are mobile subscribers own one, a recent study revealed.
The highest number of smartphones owners are aged 25 to 34, according to Nielsen's third quarter survey of mobile users. Smartphone usage for adults 18 to 24 and 35 to 44 are almost identical, 54 and 53 percent respectively. Numbers drop off considerably for adults 45 to 54 to only 39 percent and kids 13 to 17 at 38 percent. The lowest rate of smartphone use, not surprisingly, is for adults 65 or older who likely are content with a feature phone (just like my mom.)
All groups showed a rise year-over-year, with adults aged 25 to 34 jumping 21 percent from last year, all the way to those over 65 rising 5 percent.
Android is still the most popular smartphone platform in the United States at 43 percent of the market, with Apple taking 28 percent of the smartphone market. RIM's BlackBerry commands 18 percent and Windows Mobile has 7 percent.
The survey shows that it seems to be the 25-34 year olds that are the early adopters, with both slightly younger and slightly older demographics following suit. What we found most interesting was that 13-17 year olds had the same usage as their parents (aged 45-54). We think that may mean the usage is linked, either by familiarity or because of a phone plan.