Convicted rapist and accused kidnapper Phillip Garrido is apologizing again but it's unclear what he's sorry about.
"First off I would like to apologize to every human being for what has taken place."
Those are the words Garrido wrote in a third handwritten letter to Sacramento TV station KCRA.
Garrido is accused of kidnapping Jaycee Dugard nearly 20 years ago and holding her in a shabby backyard compund at his Antioch property. He's also believed to have fathered two children with her.
The letter, addressed to Walt Gray, the anchor Garrido called from jail shortly after his arrest, referenced "ending a sexual problem believed to be impossible." It continues, and gets more confusing. "People all over the world are hearing testimony that through the spirit of Christ a mental process took place ending a sexual problem believed to be impossible."
It's not the first time the public has heard Garrido say he's sorry. He apologized in that August phone interview with Gray -- the first glimpse into his twisted state of mind. "Wait 'til you hear the story of what took place at this house. You're gonna be absolutely impressed. It's a disgusting thing that took place in the beginning. But I turned my life completely around ... I'm so sorry."
In a September letter Garrido sent to the station, he said he believed Jaycee Dugard's rights were being violated.
Garrido's attorney, Public Defender Susan Gellman, told the station that her client is making a genuine apology.
"Mr. Garrido is expressing genuine remorse. He would like people to consider the fact that he's a changed man and his story is best told all at one time, instead of in pieces." Gellman said. "He presents obvious issues concerning whether or not he is competent to be a defendant, and we are looking into that."