Apple Settles Some Scores

Steve Jobs reveals winners and losers among competitors

While there were no product announcement surprises from Apple CEO Steve Jobs's keynote address at the company's Worldwide Developer Conference, there were some interesting revelations.

After being rumored that the ongoing war of words -- and mobile device markets -- between Apple and Google had led Apple considering a switch to Microsoft's Bing search engine on the iPhone.

Well, Apple probably did consider it, but settled for adding the option for iPhone customers to choose Bing instead of Google. So consider it less of a breakup and more of an open relationship.

Besides Microsoft, Zynga also got a boost, announcing that its popular FarmVille game will soon be coming to the iPhone -- meaning that it will be a little less dependent on trusting Facebook.

Of course, they're still smooch small fry that Jobs twice called the company "Zenya."

As for Adobe, whom Jobs personally has scolded for its Flash software and kept off the iPad and iPhone at all costs?

Well, at least its Portable Document Format passes muster with the mercurial CEO -- a PDF viewer will be coming to the iPad.

The very same iPad that already accounts for 22 percent of e-book sales, according to Jobs.

Which means that the real loser might not be Google, Adobe or Facebook, but Amazon and it's Kindle.

Jackson West checks out his books at the library.

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