Former President Bill Clinton had serious words for California democrats Sunday.
He says if they don't get to the polls Nov. 2, any economic progress achieved under the Obama administration could be lost.
Hearing those words, could also have an impact on Republicans voters of course.
Clinton had two public events on Sunday and spoke the same message. His first appearance was in the heart of wine country in Napa and the second was at on the campus of San Jose State University.
"I'm afraid this combination of anger on the right, apathy among progressives, a healthy dose of amnesia about how we got in the fix we're in, will wind up giving the American people the result they do not want but may think they do," Clinton said in Napa where he was joined by Democratic congressman Mike Thompson in Napa.
In San Jose, Clinton was alongside gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown and state office candidate Gavin Newsom.
Clinton was just one of many high powered politicians who are spending time in the Golden State ahead of the mid-term elections.
His wife, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke in San Francisco on Friday. Her boss Pres. Barack Obama is also scheduled to visit Southern California in support of both Brown and Sen. Barbara Boxer in the coming days.
Republicans are bringing some star power as well. Both Sarah Palin and Arizona Senator John McCain made political swings through California this weekend.