In the ongoing housing rights battle that's raging in San Francisco, one side is naming names.
The Anti Eviction Mapping Project unveiled this week its "Dirty Dozen" list of landlords that have filed eviction notices against longtime tenants -- and on the list are more than a few folks who have purchased their real estate holdings with tech cash.
Google executives as well as CEOs of lesser-known companies are all on the list, according to Reuters.
Among the targeted twelve are:
- John Golob, CEO of sales software firm Lanetix;
- Peter Caswell, CEO of NetBase Solutions;
- David Duffield of Workday (though Workday told Reuters that it's a case of mistaken identity);
- Google lawyer Jack Halprin, whose home has already been protested;
- and Googlers Thomas Fallows and Kansinee Adsanatham Jung.
Tech workers, fairly or unfairly, have been a frequent target of anti-gentrification ire. Tech buses have been blockaded by angry tenants and workers as real estate prices grow ever higher in the Mission District and other areas close to the bus routes.