The owner of an antique store in San Francisco which fell victim to a smash-and-grab burglary told NBC Bay Area that about $50,000 of 18th and 19th century items were stolen by thieves who dropped a flashlight behind. Sharon Katsuda reports.
The owner of an antique store in San Francisco which fell victim to a smash-and-grab burglary told NBC Bay Area that about $50,000 of 18th and 19th century items were stolen by thieves who dropped a flashlight behind.
Daniel Stein, of Daniel Stein Antiques at 458 Jackson Street, said the burglar or burglars seemed to have broken a window of his shop before entering and stealing items such as as Georgia Sterling candlesticks dating back to 1771, and part of an old tea set. A butter dish, pitcher and sterling silver platters were also taken, he said. Stein's website touts "English and Continental furniture, works of art and scientific instruments."

The smash-and-grab, which has been a prevalent type of crime throughout San Francisco and the Bay Area, occurred sometime late Sunday or early Monday morning. Stein said his alarm company called him at 7:30 p.m. Sunday. When he went to check it out, his window was partially broken, but he went back home because the damage was minimal. Then, his alarm company called him again at 1:30 a.m. Monday, which is when he found the place ransacked.
Stein said that he's owned the business since 1992 and he's never been robbed before.
The shop on Monday morning was a mess; broken glass lay on the floor, along with smashed cabinets, spilled silver cups and other antique items. The owner pointed out a blue flashlight that was left behind in the heist.