More than 250 homes in San Jose are being soundproofed as part of BART's expansion into the South Bay.
The $2.3 billion project to construct the Berryessa BART extension using state, federal and local funds included soundproofing for nearby homes. But with construction for the Berryessa BART station in the final stretch, some homeowners are wondering why they were not included in the agency's plan to soundproof properties.
"It's like an earthquake," San Jose-homeowner Stephanie Chen said of trains rolling by.
Chen added the trains spark vibrations in the area, rattling windows, glass and mirrors at her home.
To mitigate the issue, BART is replacing some windows and doors on some homes adjacent to the tracks. BART said 253 homes have been completed and another six are nearly finished.
But Chen has one question.
"I don't know why they don't include me," she said.
The Valley Transportation Authority said it did extensive scientific testing to see which homes qualified for new windows and other noise insulation tools.
"If you have a one-story home and there's a sound wall, that would in most cases buffer the noise," VTA spokeswoman Bernice Alaniz said.
Homes next to the tracks reading above 43 decibels with simulated train noise also got the treatment for soundproofing. The federal standard is 45 decibels, officials said.
San Jose-homeowner Gina Kim notices the difference with the new windows.
CORRECTION: An earlier version of thi story had the incorrect price tag of the extension.