Seven people were transported to the hospital late Thursday after a car crashed into a restaurant in Dublin. Cheryl Hurd reports.
Seven people were transported to the hospital late Thursday after a car crashed into a restaurant in Dublin, officials said.
The driver, a 56-year-old woman, was trying to park in front of Los Pericos in the 7400 block of Village Parkway around 6:15 p.m. when she accidentally accelerated, police said.
She crashed into the crowded restaurant, injuring six people inside, several of them seriously. All injured people were taken to local hospitals for treatment, but police said all are expected to survive their injuries. The driver is also being treated for injuries sustained in the crash.
Witness Zekeria Arabzai said the woman was parked in front of the restaurant and was trying to back out.
"She thought she was on the reverse gear, she wanted to back up, but she was on the drive gear," Arabzai said. "She wanted to stop it...since she was nervous she pushed the accelerator even harder."
Alameda County Fire Department Battalion Chief John Walsh said the accident could have been much worse.
"We just lucked out," Walsh said. "It wasn't as bad as it could have been as you can see people sitting at the window could have been severely injured."
NBC Bay Area's Cheryl Hurd and Bay City News contributed to this report.