A Marin County Sheriff’s Department crew training in the Sierras stumbled across and saved a girl who fell into a 10-foot deep hole. Jodi Hernandez reports.
A Marin County Sheriff's Office search-and-rescue crew is credited with saving the life of a 10-year-old girl.
Officials said the girl on Sunday fell into a 10-foot hole after a snow bridge she was on gave way in the Sierras. The search-and-rescue team just happened to be hiking down the same trail after spending the day training when it came across the incident at Castle Peak.
"The snow just swallowed her up," said Hilda White, mother of the rescued girl. "It was perfect timing that they happened to be coming down from the peak and happened upon my husband within 15 minutes of her falling in."
The rescue team used ropes to hoist the wet, freezing and terrified girl out before hypothermia could set in.
Sunday's rescue was not the first time the team stumbled upon someone in need.
While training in Yosemite in 2013, the crew came upon a man who was clinging to a rock above Vernal Falls after slipping.
White said the Marin County team saved her daughter's life and is grateful.
"All these thoughts run through your mind: 'What if it caves in? What if there's a big gush of water? What if she slips?'" White said. "I just want to thank them from the bottom of my heart."