Online Education Gets a β€œCurious” Boost

Justin Kitch unveils newest venture

Online education is growing so quickly, it's actually controversial: Is it worth the time and effort to go online and get your learning without going into the classroom?

Just ask Justin Kitch. When we last caught up with Justin, he was leaving, where he helped millions of people create their own websites, to become chief growth officer at Intuit. There, he helped millions of people to use the internet to change how they moved - and managed - money.

Now, Kitch has something new, and it's in the field of online education. aims to bring teachers and students together to facilitate not just learning, but what comes next - entrepreneurship.

On the site, teachers can post lessons, and they can even charge for them. Students can, of course, learn from those lessons, but they can also interact with the teachers, the goal being that the young people can take their knowledge and start businesses. It's how Silicon Valley has growth for decades.

Now, Justin Kitch is bringing the whole thing online. This could potentially lead to more money for teachers, and more jobs for students.

If it works, expect Washington to take notice.

Scott can be found on Twitter, for free: @scottbudman

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