Current and former politicians, a scantly clad topless queen, a few baseball legends, and even a serial killer are among 70 famous and infamous San Franciscans depicted in a new mural to be unveiled Sunday.
Famous local ad man Bob Pritikin announced the private unveiling of an 80-foot long, San Francisco unique mural as the precursor to the opening of a proposed museum.
“It will be a beautiful gift to the San Francisco community and the future artistic resources of our fabulous city,” said Pritikin.
Featured in the mural by artist Guy Colwell are the likes of former Mayor Willie Brown, whose suit humorously displays a $4,000 price tag. Former Supervisor Harvey Milk is seen waiving a rainbow flag and standing next to former Mayor George Moscone.
Mayor Gavin Newsom administers a same sex marriage while mayoral hopeful and professional wedding singer Tony Hall performs.
Also depicted is a Terminator-dressed version of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a California flag waiving depiction of Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi riding an elephant, and baseball greats Willie Mays and Joe DiMaggio, one of which is riding a giraffe with Marilyn Monroe.
Pritikin, who made his own mark in San Francisco’s history as an advertising writer in the 1950s (see Rice-A-Roni jingle), is looking to turn his famous Chenery Street mansion into the next big museum in the City.
Pritikin wants to call the new museum “Only in San Francisco,” if given the green light. It would showcase an estimated $40 million in fine art and Baghdad-by-the-Bay memorabilia, including works by Rembrandt, Beniamino Bufano and J.M.W. Turner.
While the future of the museum is still under consideration by the San Francisco Planning Commission, Pritikin said that although the museum would be set in a traditionally suburban area, there hasn’t been any opposition.
“We seem to have widespread approval from the immediate neighbors and political pundits who endorse this adventuresome project,” he said. “It all seems very promising. We haven’t ran into any dissenters yet but they usually come out of the woodwork at the last minute.”
Former Mayor Willie Brown and Pritikin will act as masters of ceremonies for the event and many local politicians as well as figures depicted in the mural are expected to be in attendance.