Quan Pulls 180, Allows Occupy Oakland to Stay

Quan denies knowledge, planning of raid.

Jean Quan is the mayor of Oakland, but she doesn't call all the shots.

That was the message the city's chief executive delivered in the wake of Tuesday's violent police eviction of the Occupy Oakland encampment in front of City Hall, in which an Iraq War veteran was severely injured by a police projectile.

"I don't know everything," she told reporters, after completing a flip-flop on the city's stance towards the Occupy protesters, who will now be allowed to stay.

Not that the protesters needed a mayoral invitation. Prior to Quan's pronouncement, protesters had returned in force less than 24 hours after their eviction, tearing down a cyclone fence that was erected to block off Frank Ogawa Plaza, and setting up tents and laying down sleeping bags.

The protesters say they will assemble peacefully, and have called for a citywide strike on Nov. 2. By Thursday afternoon tents were back up in Frank Ogawa Plaza and even a makeshift shrine to the injured soldier was built.

Meanwhile, doctors said the condition of Scott Olsen, the Marine veteran who suffered a fractured skull, was improving but still serious.

Many view Quan's handling of the situation as inept bungling. A recall movement is underway, and Oakland attorney Dan Siegel, a trusted Quan adviser, said a "big mistake" was made and is considering resignation.

Left-leaning political commentator Keith Olbermann used his national show to demand that Quan resign.

The actions have cost the cash-strapped city over $1 million, according to the Bay Citizen, with over half of that police overtime.

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