San Francisco Bookstore Accused of Violent Yelp Confrontation

Yelp reviewer says the owner of a bookstore he wrote a negative review about attacked him

People on Yelp don't love San Francisco's Ocean Avenue Books and San Francisco's Ocean Avenue Books doesn't love people on Yelp back.

The troubled bookstore took its frustration out on the San Francisco-based review site after a reviewer named Sean C. described the store as a "TOTAL MESS."

Shortly after his review, Sean got the surprise of his life:

Tonight I get a knock at my front door - I open it and a woman tries to force her way in... it seriously took all my strength to get her out.... and I had to wrestle with her on my front steps... was trying to pin her down incase she had a weapon.

Finally I was able to shut the door and call 911 - the police showed up and took her away. Turns out it was the business owner! ... They took her to jail and will try to put a 72 hour psychiatric hold but they said it's up to the doctor that examines her...

Fellow Yelpers had a hard time believing Sean's allegations but Valleywag points out he was able to produce screen shots of private Yelp messages from the unnamed store owner and a Yelp administrator offered the company's support to him.

"We're here to help Sean out in any way we can... there's no telling how this person may have unearthed Sean's place of residence, but rest assured, that information was in no way.... provided by Yelp," the admin wrote.

The problem is Sean has an unlisted address and he says he never bought anything in the store, even though the owner claims to know him by face.  He is currently trying to get a restraining order against the disorganized bookshop manager.

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