A petition demanding justice for Cecil the lion is gaining a lot of traction online.
When Walter Palmer, a Minnesota dentist, shot and killed Cecil — one of the most beloved animals in Zimbabwe — on July 1, the entire Internet was outraged. In particular, Ruth McD, who began a petition on The Petition Site asking Zimbabwe president Robert Mugabe to stop issuing hunting permits to kill endangered animals.
Palmer told NBC News he worked with local guides and believed the hunt was completely legal.
Ruth wrote on the petition that about three and a half years ago, Cecil teamed up with another male lion, Jericho, after being kicked out of their individual “social groups” otherwise known as their “pride.” Together, the two of them took control of the area's two prides, which also consisted of cubs. Ruth adds that Cecil’s death will likely end Jericho’s reign as well, and possibly the loss of the cubs.
The petition already has over 140,000 signatures.
In addition to the petition, many have taken to Twitter to share their feelings about Cecil.
RIP #CecilTheLion I'm struggling to imagine anything more beautiful than this pic.twitter.com/lile3Kb2dk — Ricky Gervais (@rickygervais) July 28, 2015
Basically. #CecilTheLion pic.twitter.com/OjuLQ4OCr9 — PETA (@peta) July 28, 2015
Ohh the dentist "had no idea" the lion was famous. Because had he known, he would never have murdered it without asking for a selfie first. — olivia wilde (@oliviawilde) July 28, 2015