Trick or Tweak? Girl Finds Crystal Meth Among Halloween Candy

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A Hercules girl somehow returned home from trick-or-treating on Friday with a real dangerous trick: Hidden in her candy was a small bag of methamphetamine, according to police. Jean Elle reports. CORRECTION: The victim is a girl.

A Bay Area girl somehow returned home from trick-or-treating on Friday with a real dangerous trick: Hidden in her candy was a small bag of methamphetamine, according to police.

Police in Hercules are trying to determine where the 8-year-old's trick, a .1-gram plastic bag of crystal methamphetamine, came from.

The drugs were discovered after the night of candy-collecting was completed when the girl was sorting through her haul with her parents.

"He had been checking his child's Halloween candy after putting it away on Halloween night, and while checking it found the baggie and suspected it was illegal drugs. He wanted to report it," Hercules Police Sgt. Ezra Tafesse said of the child's father.

Police, who said the child was trick-or-treating in the city's Promenade area, are unsure if the meth found were given to the child intentionally or on accident.

Tafesse said the amount of meth found is enough to have felony charges filed for possession of controlled substance.

The incident has put in question residents' sense of safety. Jazmin Louie said her younger siblings won't be having any more Halloween treats.

"My mom will probably toss it now," she said.

Police said the school resource officer is letting principals know about the drugs, and hope to spread the word that parents need to check their children's candy if they went trick-or-treating in the Promenade area.

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