Walk Down Memory Lane With Chester Santos

I forgot the words. Where did I put my keys? What's his name again?

Those are all pretty common thoughts for just about everyone -- except Chester Santos.

Santos, of San Francisco, is a memory guru. He's the USA Memory Champion and to say he doesn't forget a thing might be an understatement.

We met up with Santos a day before the Kentucky Derby for a moment to marvel at his memory skills and a history lesson, of sorts, on the race stats.

It only took a few seconds for Santos to sort out the pictures in his head that spelled out the perfect details of who won and when. He knows all the winners of the Derby's 135-year history. He was right, we checked.

Santos uses image association to key in on easy-to-forget particulars, like names, dates and special circumstances of the races. Check out the video below of Santos during an interview with NBC Bay Area a couple years ago.

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