San Francisco's "Godfather of Skating," David Miles, Jr., is spreading his "rolligion" all the way to Africa.
Miles heads up Church of 8 Wheels, the city's roller rink that's set in an old church. He's also founder of the California Outdoor Rollerskating Association, which has been gathering revelers on wheels for Sunday boogies in Golden Gate Park since moving to the Bay area in 1979. He has led a 10-mile Midnight Rollers Friday Night Skate around the city since 1989 and throws an annual roller disco in Black Rock City at Burning Man.
Most recently, he's formed a long distance kinship via social media with the Ungem Skate Club in Nairobi, Kenya. He sent 25 pairs of inline skates to Africa in December to encourage the club's growth and interest in speed skating.
Now he's crowdfunding to fly three club members from Kenya to San Francisco to introduce them firsthand to his local roller skating activities so that they can duplicate it back home. He seeks a goal of $7,000.
Director D. Thomas Magee made the Godfather the subject of a short 2014 documentary, "Rollin' for Miles," which can be seen below:
Rollin' For Miles from d. thomas magee on Vimeo.