Very private Apple CEO Steve Jobs is rumored to be working with former Time editor Walter Isaacson on an authorized biography according to anonymous sources cited by the New York Times.
The book will reportedly cover Jobs's life from his birth until when he was replaced by Robot Steve Jobs. (Kidding, Jobs hasn't been replaced by the iJobs. Or has he?)
Isaacson has previously written biographies of Albert Einstein and Benjamin Franklin, people whom Jobs probably feels were almost as innovative as himself.
According to the Times, Jobs has already taken Isaacson to the Apple CEO's childhood home.
Other biographers have taken on the task of putting Jobs's life to the page. Not only has Jobs refused to cooperate, he has actively punished the publishers of the unofficial biographies by denying them space on the shelves at Apple stores. (One such book, iCon, was mostly laudatory, but suffered from a singularly unfortunate title -- a play on "iPod" and "icon" which some took as suggesting that the Apple CEO was a con.)
If there is a biography in the works, you can bet that it will fly off the shelves of airport bookstores around the world.
But of course, Jobs will probably read his copy on an iPad.
Jackson West will probably not be buying a copy, but he might peruse one at the library.