Are you holding your breath for Santa to put a shiny new iPad under your tree on Christmas morning?
You might want to ask Santa to skip your house this year and continue holding your breath.
Sacrificing a few brain cells might be worth the price of getting an iPad 2 if you are a big enough Apple fan. Plus the rumor mill says the iPad 2 is only 100 days away.
Apple's notoriously ironclad deathgrip of its future plans has notoriously -- and literally -- fallen by the waistside in recent months.
And now sources are telling Taiwan's DigiTimes that Apple's iPad 2 will be released early next year. Possibly as early as the end of February.
The initial shipment is expected to be between 400,000 and 600,000 units. So what will make the iPad 2 especially worth waiting for?
Most expect the tablet comptuer to come with a faster processor and more RAM, and of course most expect the iPad 2 to contain a front-facing camera so it is FaceTime ready.
Still others believe that Apple could be developing a retina display on the new iPad, but rumors of an OLED display appear to be dying. Apple Insider reports that Steve Jobs and company have selected a company to supply backlights for an LCD display.