Pro-Gay Marriage Signs Go Up in Steve Young's Yard

No on 8 sign in front yard

Former 49ers quarterback Steve Young and his wife Barbara have posted yard signs in front of their Palo Alto home urging voters to vote no on Proposition 8, the state ballot measure that would ban same-sex marriage.

Barbara Young has also donated about $50,000 to defeat the measure, and says in a statement that the family does not believe in discrimination and "therefore our family will vote against Prop. 8."

Steve Young, a prominent Mormon, has not taken a public position on Prop. 8 himself.

The Mormon Church has donated much money to the "Yes on 8" campaign.

Young wouldn't be the only Bay Area sports legend to weigh in on Prop. 8. Former San Francisco Giant Jeff Kent — who now plays for the Los Angeles Dodgers — has donated $15,000 to the campaign to ban gay marriage.

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