Gordon Tokumatsu

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  • Jerry Kline donated $1 million to his former high school.
    Jan 5, 2020

    Former Student Donates $1 Million to High School in Arleta

    The New Year brings new hope. For college-bound students at one Sun Valley school, a former student who graduated half a century ago has come back with a generous gift: a million dollars worth of education. Jerry Kline’s scholarship is the largest ever bestowed on a school in the Los Angeles Unified School District. The 10 winners of the first…

  • A coffee cart used to teach job skills to people with disabilities was stolen from ICAN nonprofit Dec. 20, 2019.
    Dec 24, 2019

    Thieves Steal Coffee Cart Used to Help and Teach People With Disabilities

    A Torrance nonprofit that serves the disabled community is at a loss this Christmas after thieves last week stole a specialized coffee cart used for job skills training and as a place of employment for clients of the organization. Scott Elliott, executive director of ICAN, or the California Abilities Network, said he felt a sinking feeling in the pit of…

  • WCAU_000000011882183_1200x675_521315907707.jpg
    United States Jan 18, 2019

    25 Years Later: The Desperate Search for Survivors at Northridge Meadows Apartments

    In the frightening and confusing first hour after the 1994 Northridge earthquake, fire-rescue teams were dispatched to collapsed buildings and freeway overpasses, fires and other emergencies around Southern California. One of those locations was an apartment complex in the northwest San Fernando Valley that became a scene of desperation and resilience.

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