Jay Reeves

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  • Grand Princess cruise ship in San Francisco
    coronavirus Mar 8, 2020

    Experts: Cruise Ships No Place for a Coronavirus Quarantine

    Cruise ships hit by coronavirus outbreaks have quickly found themselves with no ports for thousands of passengers as countries on four continents have quarantined vessels or kept them at sea for days. Keeping all the passengers on board instead of letting them disembark on land is a strategy that can backfire, however, according to experts, because the ventilation systems and…

  • WCAU_000000011882183_1200x675_521315907707.jpg
    California Oct 5, 2019

    Security, NY Incident Leave Some Unsettled After ‘Joker'

    Extra layers of security, intense on-screen action and a frightening incident inside a New York theater combined to create an unsettling experience for some moviegoers who went to see “Joker” on its opening weekend.

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