Investigative Unit

Why Did ACE Trains Keep Rolling Through Despite Landslide Concerns?

NBC Universal, Inc.

Senior Investigative Reporter Bigad Shaban has been digging into the ACE Train situation and has the full report.

Highway 84 between Fremont and Sunol is back open for car traffic the first time since Saturday because of landslide concerns.

This is the same route that ACE Train uses on what is essentially a parallel track.

While the road was considered too dangerous for cars until Friday, Union Pacific Railroad decided the tracks were safe for ACE trains.

Earlier this week, two landslides less than 24 hours apart, shut down the train service.

It's also left many people wondering why the trains were even allowed to operate?

Senior Investigative Reporter Bigad Shaban has been digging into the situation and has the full report in the video above.

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