The Moms of Magnolia Street
The Moms of Magnolia Street – a four-part investigative series – follows the journey of a group of Oakland mothers who went from unhoused to activists and took matters into their own hands as California's housing affordability crisis pushed thousands of Black residents out of their homes and onto the streets. Watch the entire series now here.
No Man's Land
No Man's Land: Fighting for Fatherhood in a Broken System – a five-part investigative series – follows the stories of three single fathers living in the Bay Area trying desperately to care for their children but are repeatedly turned away from homeless shelters and services because of inherent biases in the system against single fathers. Watch the entire series now here.
Overpriced, Overwhelmed, Over It!
Overpriced, Overwhelmed, Over It! -- a four-part investigative series -- examines the Bay Area’s (and California’s) crazy housing crisis. Shacks are selling for millions. Investors are paying all cash for homes that could go to family buyers. And generations of communities are getting priced out. Through a series of streaming reports, NBC Bay Area’s Investigative Unit reveals its year-long investigation into The Golden State’s overpriced housing market that's leaving so many Californians overwhelmed and over it. Watch the entire series now here.
Saving San Francisco
Saving San Francisco -- a six-part investigative series -- searches for solutions to deep-rooted problems plaguing one of the most progressive cities in America. A quiet San Francisco neighborhood, known for stunning ocean views and lush forests, has become a symbol of the city’s systemic problems involving poverty, crime, and mental health. The NBC Bay Area Investigative Unit spent months uncovering the mystery of how a former English teacher became a convicted felon – caught up in drugs, homelessness, and accusations of a bizarre obsession with a woman in the woods. Watch the entire series now here.
Derailed -- a 12-part investigation over two seasons -- explores the problems plaguing the BART transit system. Most people in the San Francisco Bay Area seem to have a BART story, whether it’s good, bad, or weird. The NBC Bay Area Investigative Unit spent more than a year recording on BART trains across the Bay Area, at all hours, interviewing passengers, and questioning top transit officials to find out how a once renowned transportation network became one of the most dangerous in the country. Watch the entire series now here.