Absentee Ballots Could Swing Prop 29 Vote

Supporters say they're "hopeful" the tax on tobacco will still pass

Despite a narrow defeat at the polls, supporters of Proposition 29 say they still think the measure will pass, with the help of more than a million absentee ballots.

In a statement Thursday, the "Yes on Prop 29" campaign pointed out the ballot measure was defeated by just 65,000 votes, and vote-by-mail and provisional ballots have yet to be counted.

"With less than one percent separating defeat from victory, we remain vigilant and ever hopeful, no matter how long the odds. Frankly, our campaign of cancer survivors and their family members are used to this kind of a fight," the statement reads.

Prop. 29 would add a one dollar tax to a pack of cigarettes, with the proceeds going toward cancer research. Five tobacco companies spent millions of dollars to fight 29. Opponents claimed the new funding would have no oversight, and would ultimately be wasted.

To watch a report on following the Prop. 29 money trail, click here.

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