Welcome to the MC Hammer Hour

Bay Area resident gets his own tv show

From the posh hills of Fremont to Wiscosin. MC Hammer really is too legit to quit.

The former rap icon, who lived in Fremont and most recently in Tracy, says viewers of his new reality TV show will get a glimpse of him as a businessman, a computer geek and a proud father. Exactly what we wanted to see.
The 1990s rap music sensation is producing a show about his family life called "Hammertime" that will air on A&E later this year. You know because it's not fair that Ray J gets to have a show and Hammer doesn't. I mean what hit video has Ray J ever put out? Okay, don't answer that.

The show will follow Hammer, his wife of 23 years, their children and two nephews who live in their home. Hammer says viewers will see a "a real American family in current-day America."

He says they'll likely be surprised to learn of his business savvy, including his work with the media Web site dancejam.com.

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