Yelp Takes Fun to an Offensive New Level

San Francisco company makes confusing typo

Now, most editions of an email newsletter may or may not induce eyerolls, but Wednesday's Yelp newsletter is, quite simply, in unbelievably poor taste.

The image comes courtesy of the daily Yelp newsletter. As pointed out to us by Random Facts Girl, it's sponsored by SF Women Against Rape.

Not only does it include the title "Put the Fun Between Your Legs," but the text includes the following jaw-dropping line: "...we sometimes ride in and put some fun between your legs."  We're not quite sure how that happens by accident.

Sometimes there are no words. For shame, Yelp. As if the San Francisco-based company needed any more negative press. Yelp is still battling the allegations that it strong arms small companies into advertising by threating them with negative reviews

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