
Teacher, Staff COVID Vaccination Rates at Bay Area School Districts

NBC Bay Area reached out to more than 100 Bay Area school districts and asked for teacher and staff vaccination rates. Here's how they replied.

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Are your kids’ teachers vaccinated? After the CDC released a case study showing a single unvaccinated, unmasked Marin County teacher infected half her students, many parents are now asking the question. Investigative Reporter Candice Nguyen reached out to more than 100 Bay Area school districts to get answers for parents.

On August 1, NBC Bay Area reached out to more than 100 school districts across the Bay Area asking the following questions:

  1. What is the current vaccination rate among teachers and staff at your school district? 
  2. How many teachers and staff members are currently unvaccinated?  
  3. How many district and school staff members have chosen not to verify their vaccination status?    

Many of the school districts said they are still gathering information and have until Friday to provide it. Under state guidelines, school districts have until October 15 to make sure all teachers are vaccinated or tested for COVID weekly.

A number of the school districts said their current figures are based on teacher attestations, and they are counting again because new state mandates require proof of vaccination or testing of teachers and school employees.

  • Alameda Union School District (waiting on response)
  • Albany City Unified School District (waiting on response)
  • Alcalanes Union High School District (waiting on response)
  • Alum Rock Union Elementary School District - 83% vaccinated as of 9/1, 20 unvaccinated, 48 declined to state. Figures are based on the ARUESD's survey and are not official responses. The District is currently gathering vaccine verification.
  • Antioch Unified School District (waiting on response)
  • Bayshore Elementary School District (waiting on response)
  • Belmont - Redwood Shores School District - 95% of the school district staff was vaccinated, seven individuals were unvaccinated and eight declined to state as of 9/2. All unvaccinated or unverified staff members will have to test weekly.
  • Bellevue Union School District (waiting on response)
  • Benicia Unified School District (waiting on response)
  • Berkeley Unified School District - 85% staff fully vaccinated as of 9/1. Berkeley Unified says it's continuing to receive vaccination verification information from staff, so that number may go up. 
  • Berryessa Unified School District (waiting on response)
  • Brentwood Union School District - about 90% as of 9/1. Brentwood Unified is in the process of following up with those that had not responded with their vaccination status.
  • Brisbane School District (waiting on response)
  • Burlingame School District - 96.5% staff reported being vaccinated. In regards to how many employees are unvaccinated, Burlingame School District said the information was too identifying and added no one refused to verify their vaccination status.
  • Cabrillo Unified School District - Human resources staff are now compiling that data and will follow up with anyone who did not report their vaccination status.
  • Cambrian School District - 97% vaccinated
  • Campbell Union School District (waiting on response)
  • Campbell Union High School District (waiting on response)
  • Castro Valley Unified School District - 91% vaccinated and 9% have not provided the District with a vaccination card as of 9/3.
  • Cupertino Union School District - Over 90% as of 9/1. 10% unvaccinated or declined to answer.
  • Dixon Unified School District (waiting on response)
  • Dublin Unified School District - 77% of employees have submitted proof of vaccination as of 9/1; 23% are unverified. In an effort to be as transparent as possible, DUSD included any individual working on a campus (all staff), including substitute teachers. The District's 77% figure appears lower than other school districts, but DUSD said it's a more accurate picture of all staff. If they counted permanent staff, the vaccination rate is 88%. 
  • East Side Union High School District (waiting on response)
  • Emery Unified School District (waiting on response)
  • Evergreen School District (waiting on response)
  • Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District (waiting on response)
  • Franklin-McKinley Elementary School District (waiting on response)
  • Fremont Unified School District (waiting on response)
  • Fremont Union High School District - The school district tracks vaccination statuses for certified and classified staff, as well as coaches. 89% of staff members are vaccinated, 2% are unvaccinated and 9% declined to state or did not submit their status. Staff members who are unvaccinated or unverified must undergo weekly COVID tests.
  • Gilroy Unified School District - 91% of teachers and staff at the school district are vaccinated as of 9/13. Approximately 120 are unvaccinated (this estimate includes contract and non-contract staff).
  • Hayward Unified School District - HUSD said its staff has until October 15 to get vaccinated or submit their vaccine verification status. The district said they won't have an accurate count on unvaccinated staff until that deadline.
  • Healdsburg Unified School District - 96% vaccinated and 5 employees not vaccinated as of 9/1.
  • Hillsborough City School District - 98.5% vaccinated and three staff members are either unvaccinated or unverified. Unverified and unvaccinated individuals get tested two times a week.
  • Jefferson Elementary School District - the school district said it is "currently collecting and collating this data."
  • Lafayette Unified School District (waiting for response)
  • Lakeside Joint School District (waiting for response)
  • Larkspur Corte-Madera School District - 97.6% vaccinated as of 9/3, 166 out . See the school district's current data here.
  • Liberty Union High School District (waiting for response)
  • Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District (waiting for response)
  • Las Lomitas Elementary School District (waiting for response)
  • Loma Prieta Joint Union School District (waiting for response)
  • Los Altos School District (waiting for response)
  • Los Gatos Union School District (waiting for response)
  • Los Gatos-Saratoga Joint Union High School District (waiting for response)
  • Luther Burbank School District - 98% vaccinated and one employee unvaccinated as of 9/1.
  • Martinez Unified School District (waiting on response)
  • Menlo Park City School District - 98% teachers vaccinated and 96% support staff/supervisors vaccinated as of 9/10.
  • Mill Valley School District - This school district said the information will be published by October 1, 2021 as required by Marin County school guidelines.
  • Millbrae School District (waiting on response)
  • Milpitas Unified School District - MUSD is tracking teacher vaccination statuses but said they are still collecting the data from team members and, therefore, are not able to provide the statistics until the process is completed.
  • Moraga School District (waiting on response)
  • Moreland School District - 90% vaccinated as of 9/1. The deadline for their staff to turn information is due next week.
  • Morgan Hill Unified School District - 93% vaccinated and 53 employees unvaccinated as of 9/1.
  • Mount Diablo Unified School District (waiting on response)
  • Mount Pleasant Elementary School District - 90% of staff vaccinated and 32 staff members unvaccinated (three have received the first shot) as of 9/3. If an employee does not show proof of vaccination, they'll undergo testing weekly.
  • Mountain View Los Altos Union High School District - The school district said it will provide information on Monday 9/6.
  • Mountain View Whisman School District - 93% vaccinated and 93 employees either unvaccinated or unverified as of 9/1. See Mountain View Whisman School District's data here.
  • Napa Valley Unified School District (waiting on response)
  • New Haven Unified School District - 96.4% vaccinated, 2.8% unvaccinated and 398 individuals unverified as of 9/1. This school district said it will test unverified staff by October 15 when it's required by the state.
  • Newark Unified School District (waiting on response)
  • Novato Unified School District - As of 9/1, this school district said "We have just begun to gather this information."
  • Oak Grove School District - 95% of staff vaccinated, 31 unvaccinated and 30 declined to state as of 9/3. Unverified employees have to test weekly.
  • Oakland Unified School District (waiting on response)
  • Oakley Union Elementary School District (waiting on response)
  • Orchard School District - 79% of staff members are vaccinated (55 out of 70 employees), 15 unvaccinated and 10 have chosen not to verify as of 9/3.
  • Orinda Union School District (waiting on response)
  • Pacifica School District (waiting on response)
  • Palo Alto Unified School District - 95% vaccinated and 92 employees unvaccinated or unverified as of 9/1. If an employee is unvaccinated and refuses testing, that person is placed on unpaid leave.
  • Petaluma City School District - The school district is tracking the vaccination statuses of staff and have asked that staff submit the information it needs by September 10th. PCSD said it will have more information at that time
  • Piedmont Unified School District (waiting on response)
  • Pittsburg Unified School District (waiting on response)
  • Pleasanton Unified School District - PUSD is working on gathering data for state mandate announced on August 11. The school district said it is difficult to determine unvaccinated status as staff members have the option simply not to verify vaccination status and submit to twice weekly testing.
  • Portola Valley School District - 100% of employees reported being fully vaccinated.
  • Ravenswood City School District (waiting for response)
  • Redwood City School District (waiting on response)
  • Rincon Valley Union School District - On 9/1, the school district said it is still collecting information from staff and can not provide accurate numbers at this point in time. 
  • Roseland School District (waiting on response)
  • Saint Helena Unified School District (waiting on response)
  • San Bruno Park Unified School District (waiting on response)
  • San Carlos School District - The school district's community relations director said 94% of SCSD employees completed vaccination attestations stating they are vaccinated.
  • San Francisco Unified School District - 96% vaccinated as of 9/2. 280 employees have yet to report they are vaccinated. SFUSD released this press release on Thursday.
  • San Jose Unified School District (waiting on response)
  • San Leandro Unified School District - 85% vaccination rate.
  • San Mateo County Office of Education (waiting on response)
  • San Mateo Union High School District - about 90% of our staff are vaccinated as of 9/13. View the school district's dashboard.
  • San Mateo-Foster City School District (waiting on response)
  • San Rafael City Schools (waiting on response)
  • San Ramon Valley Unified School District - 94% staff reported being vaccinated, 52 individuals are unvaccinated, 20 are in the process of getting vaccinated and 72 declined to state. The school district's current figures are based on a teacher self-attestation survey. SRVUSD is currently collecting new data and asking for documentation.
  • Santa Clara County Office of Education (waiting on response)
  • Santa Clara Unified School District - 95% attested they are vaccinated as of 9/1. 6% either remain unvaccinated or unverified. School district said all staff tested weekly regardless of vaccination status.
  • Santa Rosa City School District - The school district said the information is still being collected as of 9/3 and the Sonoma County Public Health Department issued an order that the date of compliance be effective September 24, 2021 for all school workers in Sonoma County.
  • Saratoga Union School District - 96% vaccinated and nine people unvaccinated or unverified as of 9/1.
  • Sequoia Union High School District (waiting on response)
  • Shoreline Unified School District (waiting on response)
  • Sonoma County Office of Education - 91.9% or 354 employees are vaccinated, 5.2% or 20 employees are unvaccinated and 2.9% declined to state (4 people). Those who declined to state are treated as unvaccinated for purpose of masking and testing rules. SCOE said they are only tracking vaccination statuses for their 385 employees, not all employees of Sonoma County's 40+ school districts.
  • Sonoma Valley Unified School District (waiting on response)
  • South San Francisco Unified School District (waiting on response)
  • St. Helena Unified School District - 97% vaccinated, 6 employees unvaccinated and 5 employees declined to state as of 9/1.
  • Stockton Unified School District (waiting on response)
  • Sunnyvale School District - 96.8% of staff members vaccinated and less than 2% unvaccinated as of 9/1. This school district reported they are still collecting data.
  • Travis Unified School District (waiting on response)
  • Union School District - 95% teachers and staff members vaccinated, 25 partially vaccinated or unvaccinated and eight employees declined to verify as of 9/3.
  • Vacaville Unified School District - VUSD is currently accepting voluntary vaccination verification from teachers and staff. More than 60% have provided verification of being fully vaccinated and 550 staff members have not provided verification as of 9/3.
  • Vallejo City Unified School District - The school district said at this time they are currently assessing the number of staff who are vaccinated and do not have reportable data as of 9/3.
  • Walnut Creek School District (waiting on response)
  • West Contra Costa Unified School District (waiting on response)

*If your school district's information has changed, please email directly.

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