23 Years Later, Slain Woman's Family Continues Search For Killer

An East Bay Family is still searching for answers 23 years after a Crockett waitress was brutally killed while on a work break.

The family of 21-year-old Priscilla Lewis is launching a new campaign for justice. Troy Kinslow said he’s always been tormented by what happened to his younger cousin.

"It’s with me every day. It’s with me at night. It’s with me all the time, and it isn’t going to go away," Kinslow said.

Lewis was a well-known waitress with a bubbly personality. She was killed in Crockett in 1996. She had gone on her break from the Four Corners Pizza Parlor during her night shift and never returned. A co-worker later found her in the building’s basement bathroom.

Police said Lewis was strangled to death, but her killer was never found.

"It crushed this community," Kinslow said. "There were so many people scared; it was like a black cloud was over this town."

Raymond Dold may have been the last person to see Lewis alive. He said he too has never been able to shake it.

"I was flabbergasted," Dold said. "I didn’t know what to do. I sat here and smoked a cigarette with her. She said, 'I’m going to go back in.' I went back home, and 15-20 minutes later, I heard sirens go by."

Lewis’s family is planning a vigil this weekend to call new attention to the case. They don’t want Lewis forgotten and say they won’t rest until her killer is caught.

"We’re going to get you," Kinslow said when asked what he would say to the killer. "It might not be today, but these detectives are going to get you, and you’re going to have to pay the price."

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