
Interactive Map: Areas Affected by the PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoffs

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The second round of PG&E’s planned power shutoffs have begun in parts of the Peninsula, East Bay and South Bay, leaving an estimated 137,000 customers in the dark amid high fire danger.

PG&E proactively turned off power to hundreds of thousands of customers in parts of several Bay Area counties and across much of Northern and Central California due to high fire danger.

Use the interactive map below to see if your area will be impacted.

Areas Affected by the Public Safety Power Shutoff

A planned outage from PG&E is expected to hit roughly 800,000 customers in parts of Northern, Central and coastal California.

Enter your location in the search bar below to see if you or your area will be affected.

Data: PG&E
Nina Lin/NBC

Full coverage on the historic power outage here.

Other power shutoff resources:

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