A new ordinance will change the City's building code to allow micro-unit apartments with 150 square feet of living space.
The San Francisco Board of Supervisors approved a plan that would allow micro-unit apartments to be built - micro as in tiny.
The plan reduces the building code minimum of 290 square feet down to the state minimum living space, which is 150 square feet. The actual space is 220 square feet when you add in a kitchen, a bathroom and a closet. (Picture 8 pool tables.)
Supervisor Scott Wiener sponsored the legislation. He said it is a creative way to confront San Francisco’s housing crisis. He hopes the additional units will stop skyrocketing rental prices.
“Family-sized housing is important and its development should be encouraged,” said Wiener. “But many - including seniors, students and transition age youth-- do not need as much space or cannot afford it. These units will be a viable alternative for those who don’t want to live with roommates.”
The legislation caps the number of units at 375. The number could go higher if its determined that the units are an effective and useful part of a broader housing policy.
A maximum of two people will be allowed to live in each unit.
Developer Patrick Kennedy told the Los Angeles Times earlier this year he will unveil a building with micro units South of Market later this year. Pricing will be somewhere between $200,000 and $250,000.
For that you get a sofa bed, two burner stove top, mini-fridge, and a wardrobe.
Here's how the units are described by the sales office:
San Francisco is home to a unique new condo development in the South of Market neighborhood. Cubix Yerba Buena consists of 98 condos with a starting price of $200,00 which is only 1/3 of the current median home price. The small but well designed living spaces range in size from 250 - 350 square feet. Cubix reflects modern architecture design ideas most often found in cities like Tokyo, Hong Kong and Amsterdam. Small and functional urban living spaces targeted to middle income buyers. Cubix Yerba Buena was designed and built by, HausBau, a San Francisco design and development company founded by architect George Hauser.