Richmond's Livestreamed Osprey Hatches First Egg of the Year

The Golden Gate Audubon Society said will soon let the public vote for the new baby bird's name

Spring is in the air for the two literal love birds in Richmond.

An egg belonging to Rosie and Richmond, two Osprey birds whose nest is livestreamed on Richmond's historic Whirley Crane in Shipyard 3, was hatched Wednesday.

The first egg was laid on March 31, according to the Golden Gate Audubon Society who installed the webcams. Two more eggs were laid in the following days and they're expected to hatch soon as well.

The Osprey, also known as sea hawks, is a large raptor, reaching as much as 2 feet in length with a 6-foot wingspan, according to the National Parks Service.

Ospreys lay two to four eggs in a typical nesting season, the Society said. The new chick and its siblings will remain in the nest for nearly two months until they're able to fly.

The Golden Gate Audubon Society said it will soon let the public vote for the new baby bird's name.

A new feature was introduced to the webcam page and it will now allow live chat. The organization said it hopes to let the public help identify the various the kinds of fish or objects caught by the Ospreys.

The birds' nest is in the perfect location on the crane next to the SS Red Oak Victory Ship because it's high, to protect the nest from land predators such as raccoons, and near a waterway teeming with fish, the NPS said.

Birdwatchers can visit to see the livestream.

Golden Gate Audubon
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