The Mix Interview With Sen. Feinstein
Katherine Feinstein, the only daughter of Senator Dianne Feinstein, is accomplished in her own right. She spent twelve years as a San Francisco Superior Court Judge before retiring in 2012.
She says “growing up Feinstein” had its rewards but it wasn’t always easy. “As a teenager, I was the most resentful of my mother not being like every other mother.”
Senator Feinstein admits that that being a full-time mother and full-time public servant requires sacrifices all around. “Can your spouse take it? Can your children handle it? And do you feel that you are giving enough with what you can give?”
Over the years, the two women have grown very close, much more so than during Katherine’s teenage years. “I probably wasn’t the easiest teenager," she says, recalling one night in particular when she broke her curfew. These days, they enjoy spending time together doing “mundane things”.
When asked if she would ever consider running for office, Katherine stands firm in her decision to remain a private citizen. “I don’t think campaigns always bring out the best in people.”