
Fire Season Seeing Major Drop in Acres Burned

While every acre burned is especially devastating when it involves people and property the trend is way down. Since Jan. 1, only 53,000 acres has burned.

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Good news to report when it comes to our fire season so far this year. Checkout the graphic below and you’ll see the dramatic trend when it comes to acres burned in California.

While every acre burned is especially devastating when it involves people and property the trend is way down. Since Jan. 1, only 53,000 acres has burned. Compared to this time last year when 388, 281 burned and the 5 year average which is 415,274 to date. What specifically has been helping us in the Bay Area when it comes to weather?

It’s been all about a persistent fog pattern keeping heat waves away. Since June 1st Livermore has only had 4 days at 100° or hotter. 11 days in June were below average and 10 days in July below average as well. While weather has been a large factor we also can’t forget the massive firefighting effort and additional resources attacking fires fast.

With that said, we still need to get through August, September and October which can bring warm to hot temps and dry offshore winds.

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