Valentine's Day

Climate Hack: Turning Valentine's Day Green

NBC Universal, Inc.

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching but you may be thinking of a more eco-friendly way to show your love. Think about giving a houseplant.

Did you know they not only last longer but can help purify the air? If you’re thinking more along the line of fresh cut flowers, check to see where they come from.

According to estimates by the International Council on Clean Transportation, Valentine’s Day flowers grown in Colombia and flown to U.S. airports produced some 360,000 metric tons of CO2. That’s roughly equivalent to 78,000 cars driven for one year. Then they’re often moved in refrigerated trucks to the store for you to purchase adding to the already heavy carbon footprint.

Buying locally grown flowers can cut the carbon footprint down to zero. And have you seen those preserved roses? They’re beautifully boxed and can last up as long as 3 years. They are more expensive upfront, but much more environmentally friendly.

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