November 24, 2021 8:03 am

Climate in Crisis: Saving Water During the Holidays

As the drought continues to affect our water supply, here are some easy tips for conserving water for the upcoming holidays. Turn off or lower the settings on your irrigation system. 50% of our home’s water usage comes from landscaping and frequent watering is not as necessary during cooler, foggy weather. Save water by only running full loads of laundry. And when it comes to prepping for Thanksgiving dinner, thaw turkey in refrigerator days ahead of the holiday. Here’s one less chore you can do during this busy time. Alice Towey, Manager of Water Conservation EBMUD says, “Most modern sinks these days use about 1.8 to 2 gallons per minute. So that’s actually quite a bit of water over time. Using a dishwasher as opposed to hand washing saves gallons of water, which is really more efficient. It’s a nice thing when you’re busy just run the dishwasher. Don’t worry about washing things by hand.” You can find more tips on for more ways to keep the drought top of mind this holiday season.

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