Court: Bumper Car Injuries Not Amusement Parks' Fault

A lawsuit against Great America over bumper cars was tossed Monday

Buy the ticket, ride the bumper cars, and get hurt -- it's on you.

Great America and other California amusement parks can't be sued for injuries that occur as a result of "jostling" on rides like bumper cars, the state Supreme Court ruled Monday.

The court threw out by a 6-1 ruling a case made by a South Bay doctor who claimed she broke her wrist on a Great America bumper car ride in 2005. A lower court had ruled that patrons can sue in the situation of such injuries.

The court ruled that the risk of injuries is "inherent" on such rides like Great America's "Rue Le Dodge Ride," according to the San Jose Mercury News.

The San Jose doctor, Smriti Nalwa, was one of "55 people" injured on the bumper car ride over a two-year period, but the only one to suffer a broken bone.

After the accident, the owners of Great America added an island in the middle of the bumper car track to cut down on head-on collisions.

The court has in the past thrown out lawsuits brought on by football players and skiers, arguing that such activities are inherently risky, the newspaper reported. However, the court has also found that roller coaster operators are bound to ensure safety, but made a clear distinction and ruled that bumper cars are like skiing and football in that regard.

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