Diesel Fuel Spill Exposes Geese in Discovery Bay

Site of diesel spill in Discovery Bay.
CDFW - Office of Spill Prevention and Response
Site of diesel spill in Discovery Bay. (June 28, 2021)

Two Canada geese were exposed to part of a 400-gallon diesel spill Monday morning in the Contra Costa County community of Discovery Bay, according to the U.S. Coast Guard.

Coast Guard watchstanders were told at 10 a.m. of the spill at Discovery Bay Yacht Harbor, also known as the Discovery Bay Marina, at 5901 Marina Road.  

The diesel reportedly came from a leaking fuel line at the marina, Coast Guard officials said. The fuel line has been shut off.

Harbor personnel deployed a boom and absorbent pads were applied to areas affected by the spill. The geese were taken to a rehabilitation facility, according to the Coast Guard.

The cause of the spill is under investigation by the Coast Guard.

Anyone with information about wildlife that was exposed to oil can call the Oiled Wildlife Care Network at (800) 823-6926.

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