Fourth of July

Illegal Fireworks Spark Wildfire Concerns

NBC Universal, Inc.

Despite dry conditions, some people are still setting off illegal fireworks in the Bay Area. Officials and residents alike are concerned this will lead to more fires in the region. Kris Sanchez reports.

The Bay Area has been dealing with dry conditions across the region, but that's not stopping some people from setting off illegal fireworks.

Over the weekend, in just one night, firefighters battled four wildfires that were sparked by illegal fireworks in Contra Costa County.

The fire district decided to staff up in anticipation with two hand crews.

The fire marshall's decision helped them respond to the aforementioned fire - which began near James Donlon Avenue - and other house fires as well.

There have been fewer calls so far, and ConFire credits cooler weather and law enforcement being proactive about talking about enforcement early.

However, some residents are still bracing for the worst.

"There was 10 fires in my town this last year," said Sonoma County resident Joanne Whitfield. "A small town. It could just happen in a second. It's just scary."

Fireworks are illegal in many Bay Area communities and the penalties are steep.

Fines can be as high as $5,000 and in some communities, as a property owner, you could be held responsible even if you don't' set off fireworks but your guests do.

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