video games

The Evolution of Video Games in the Bay Area

In this episode, we take a look at the history and evolution of video games here in the Bay Area. Hear the untold stories from the engineers, designers, producers and professional gamers who made an impact on the video game industry.

In this installment of our award-winning documentary series, we take a look at the history and evolution of video games here in the Bay Area. Hear the untold stories from the engineers, designers, producers and professional gamers who made an impact on the video game industry.

One of the first versions of the first video game made it to the Bay Area nearly half a century ago. It started an evolution and Atari started here in the Bay Area. It was the first global video game company. Atari was behind the popular games "Pong" and "Breakout."

Then, came Electronic Arts in Redwood City and one of the biggest sports video game franchises of all time, "Madden NFL."  And, today, the Bay Area is home to several mobile gaming companies and "Twitch," one of the biggest online streaming platforms in the world.

Featured interviews include Atari's "Pong" designer Al Alcorn, Scott Orr, the designer behind "Madden NFL," the world's first professional gamer Dennis "Thresh" Fong and one of the first play-by-play shoutcasters in the world, Marcus Graham. We also sit down with the CEO of "Fort Mason Games" Kate Gorman, gaming personality Anna Prosser and Shahmeen "LifeWithLaughs" Kasim, a Twitch streamer.

Catch an encore presention of "Bay Area Revelations: Evolution of Video Games" on Saturday, March 23 at 3 p.m.

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