Facebook, AG Kamala Harris Talk Privacy in Menlo Park

"Powerful tools, but they need to be safe."

Facebook on Tuesday hosted dozens of Bay Area students to discuss online harassment at the Safer Internet 2015 event.

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg spoke to students about the need for a safer Internet, and backed up her talk by bringing Attorney General Kamala Harris to the stage.

Harris kept the young crowd riveted with stories about prosecuting those who use so-called "revenge porn" online.

Sandberg and Harris both discussed the need for a safer Internet experience as the number of people who say they have been bullied or shamed online grows each day.

"We're building very powerful tools," Sandberg said of Silicon Valley. "But, they have to be safe."

The speeches kicked off an afternoon of group activities for the students visiting Facebook's Menlo Park headquarters.

Last year's event was held in Washington, D.C.

Scott is on Facebook, and Twitter: @scottbudman

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