Feeding bald eagles in the wild is no ordinary, everyday occurrence.
The Franich family of Scotts Valley, who took their annual fishing trip to the Dolphins North Fishing Lodge, near Prince Rupert, British Columbia, make it look easy.
The group was kind enough to share video of their own bald eagle feeding, which basically consisted of them tossing fish up in the air as the majestic birds fly by and the eagles catching the meal without a hitch.
The likes of Tom Brady and Joe Montana might even be impressed by those pass completions.
The Franiches have been taking the Canadian fishing trip, just south of the Alaska border, for the past three years and always try to pass along the catch of the day to the host bald eagles flying overhead.

Feeding bald eagles in the wild is no ordinary, everyday occurrence. A Scotts Valley family on an annual fishing trip to British Columbia, make it look easy. [Video: Jared Franich]