Huge Haul of Electronics Stolen from Fremont Warehouses

Police are trying to determine if the same burglars committed three separate heists.

More than $1.2 million worth of computers, cameras and other electronics were stolen from warehouses in Fremont over the weekend. Michelle Roberts reports.

Investigators in Fremont are trying to figure out who stole millions of dollars’ worth of production and computer equipment over the weekend.

Burglars broke into three different businesses on late Saturday night and early Sunday morning, and police are trying to determine if all three thefts were committed by the same crew.

With the lights on, and surveillance cameras rolling, two men stole almost every piece of equipment at the Mac House Production studio in Fremont.

“We’re all terrified to be here late at night now,” owner Viet Mac said.

Mac said, in order to stay in business, he had to max out his credit cards to buy new computers to replace the stolen ones. He estimates the thieves stole equipment worth about $150,000.

Earlier in the evening, police believe the same thieves also targeted Blackmagic Design Distribution Center a few miles away, stealing another $1.5 million worth of equipment. Three-hundred-fifty computers and cameras were stolen.

Just down the street, a couple hours later, burglars ripped through drywall to get inside Core Microsystems. Wires to Core’s security and phones were cut, according to police. About $170,000 worth of cameras and video equipment were stolen.

Core CEO Kenny Dang arrived to find empty shelves on Monday morning. He said he recognizes one of the men seen on surveillance footage.

A couple weeks ago, Dang said, two men visited his business claiming to be building inspectors looking for a power box. He believed them and walked them through the office. “They were sort of eyeing the inventory and the things we have here,” Dang said.

Mac House Productions is offering a $10,000 reward to anyone who can provide information leading to an arrest.

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