As hundreds of Google summer interns flood an apartment complex in North San Jose, their neighbors feel they are being overrun by loud, late-night hot-tubbing, jaywalking and generally rambunctious behavior, according to a report.
The story, which was first reported by New York Magazine, even goes so far as to call it "terrorizing" neighbors at the Crescent Village in North San Jose.
It even uses its residents complaining about the Google interns on Yelp, a user-generated review site.
The 1,750 apartments rent for $1,880 to $3,375 a month (no problem, because the interns' rent is paid by Google, and they're given an additional $6,000 income a month) and are generally home to young families and commuters.
Why is it so different this year? Previously the interns would be given housing stipends where they would find their own apartments, but this year Google offered shared apartments at Crescent Village -- and apparently hundreds signed up according to a Facebook page entitled "Crescent Village Google Interns" which has since been taken down.
"At first I thought it was summer camp, but then I noticed that the kids were too old," Rochelle Fisher, a 46-year-old resident, told New York Magazine. Fisher lives in a top-floor apartment insulated to some noise at night, but says others have complained about loud parties. She disliked the interns' "crazy" behavior. "They dart out into the middle of the street," she said. "They jaywalk all the time. I have to be very careful when I'm driving."
One resident wrote on Yelp, "The situation is pretty bad. There are a lot of parties even in the middle of the week and security is unable to do anything." Another said, "[It's] like a dorm now. I could hear a lot of noise, people talking and singing even in the middle of the night."
According to reports, the Crescent Village management placed flyers in the doors of all its tenants reminding them to be "considerate of your neighbors" and "keep voices to a minimum," as well as spelling out pool policies. One pool has already been closed without explanation, according to the report.
Crescent Village declined comment, but Google said, "We've reminded our interns to be respectful of the community."
Although some of the rowdiness has died down, tenants still want more quiet, especially on weekdays. Google interns interviews admitted to the numerous noise complaints, including the nonstop partying, but seemed unconcerned by negative feedback. As one unnamed intern said, "You put a bunch of 20-year-olds in the same place, and what do you expect?"
Indeed! However, perhaps next year Google might institute some "good neighbor" policies before the interns land at their corporate housing.