Joe Biden

Hope, Excitement Expressed by Local, State Leaders Following Inauguration

NBC Universal, Inc.

Hope and celebration were expressed by state and Bay Area elected leaders following the inauguration of now U.S. President Joseph Biden and Oakland native Vice President Kamala Harris Wednesday.

Just before noon Eastern time Wednesday, Biden and Harris were inaugurated in Washington, D.C., as former President Donald Trump traveled to Florida, a break from the tradition in which the former president typically attends the inauguration.

"Today is a hopeful and inspiring day in America," California Gov. Gavin Newsom said in a statement. "I stand with the President in his clarion call for unity and healing, to once again listen to and respect our fellow Americans, to 'end this uncivil war.'"

"I couldn't be more hopeful for tomorrow," San Francisco Mayor London Breed said in a statement.

"Today our country finally moves forward under new leadership that will deliver on the basic principles that can heal our fractured democracy: unity, common decency, and compassion for all Americans," she said.

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf said as she hung a recently designed Oakland-Scranton flag outside her Piedmont home, "I'm beaming with hope and pride. Today is a new day!"

The flag represents the birthplaces of Harris and Biden.

State Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, said, "Gotta say it. The next State of the Union will feature the following people seated behind the President: Two women. Two San Franciscans. I'm so proud."

Joe Biden was sworn in as President of the United States on Wednesday morning by Supreme Court Justice John Roberts.

But San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo offered a bit of a sobering statement.

"In the depths of our crisis, it can be tempting -- and perilous -- for many Americans to believe we're inaugurating a savior today," Liccardo said.

"The Constitution doesn't entitle us to saviors, though -- only to people who muster their best ideas, energy, and spirit to lead," he said.

"It's up to all of us to do the hard work of supporting their leadership, and rebuilding our troubled nation in these difficult times," Liccardo added. "Let's celebrate this moment to exhale, to unite, and summon our common strength to overcome what still awaits us."

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